Topic: punBB: additional rules for print style sheet
Modify <punBB_root>/include/template/main.tpl:
Look for "<!-- forum_head -->"
<!-- forum_head -->
<!-- add here --><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="http://<URL_to_forum>/style/print.css" />
Add to <punBB_root>/style/print.css:
/* by MH */
#brd-head, #brd-navlinks, #brd-visit,
.main-head, .main-foot,
.posthead, .post-author, .postfoot,
.main-subhead, #brd-qpost,
#brd-pagepost-top, #brd-pagepost-end, #brd-about { display:none; }
h4 { font-size:150%; }
h5 { font-size:130%; }
ul li p:before { content:"● "; margin-left:-0.8em; }
ul li { margin-left:1.2em; }
.codebox { border:1px solid black; padding:10px; overflow:visible; }
.entry-content a:link:after, .entry-content a:visited:after {
content: " (" attr(href) ") ";
font-size: 90%;
removes most elements around the post for better printing
better list view
better code view
adds URL from links within the post
It is like the number zero… empty, yet holding infinite potential within itself.
- Igor, Persona 4
- Igor, Persona 4