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omfg des soll food und net doof


Matombo wrote:

foof der tipfehler hätte von mir stammen können

Falsch. Bei dir hätte das in etwa so ausgesehen: forldof


Ich war live dabei, wenn auch nur passiv beteiligt.


foof der tipfehler hätte von mir stammen können

von wo hast du des?


Tatort: Nintendo Center, Online Departement
Tatwaffe: Rundmail durch die Abteilung
Tatzeit: Freitag, 16:37 Uhr


but this time, good magic!!!

Some Dutch magician whose name Tim can remind us is coming to Aschaffenburg on January 18th 2005, and he is supossed to be the new David Copperfield -but just better. Some of us are definitely going, so if you are interested, send us a mail and Tim (Dutchman) or myself (idiot willing to spend my fortune in magic shows) will take care of the tickets. Prices go from 50 to 60 euros, but it will be definitely worth it.
Won't it, Tim?

Answers by Monday latest, please.

Online Administrator

As I mentioned I want to hypnotize women.
Can you teach me that Tim?
I'm willing to pay.


Online Designer

Yes, but only if you can grow his hair, Oli.

Product Analyst

It will definitely be worth it! Let's all go, sit up front, and get seats together! Everybody sign up and bring in the cash on Monday so we can get the tickets...

Sneak Preview: (see the intro movie!)

Me teaching you how to hypnotize women Oliver? Allright... I will teach you... 100 euros.


Wow, amazing!! As Tim said, bring the cash on Monday, we can book the first rows of the place and have a great time. I can't wait. Again! :)

Online Editor

Let's not get too close though, in case he brings his pet cat with him... (see attached Bild von einem Tiger (nicht weiß))

Product Analyst

I really really want to see this guy. I love his magician-like hair and clothes, the hair's twice as good as Copperfield's. Come on, it's worth the ticket money alone!


Unfortunatley we poor interns can't join you. Otherwise we couldn't afford to buy foof for one month. There should defintely a discount for Nintendo-Interns!


Man, in my students day I used to eat twice a month because I would spend all my money in beer. Of course, the hangovers also helped not eating, but still...

Online Administrator

You are buying "foof"???

Product Analyst

Foof is special food for interns. Don't you know anything ; )


And you have it in all different flavours: fanana, focolate, fanille...

Online Editor

"Foof!" That's what happens to your money when you're a student. It goes up in smoke... ;-)

Online Administrator

"Foof" is the sound when a magician makes food disappear you fools!
BTW: How do I unsubscribe from this spam? ;)

Product Analyst

Have you seen th especial intern fast-food restaurants too? McFonalds, Furger King, not to mention Starfucks...


Starfucks??? I want the address!!!


Fleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaasssee, fop it!!

Online Editor

This is weird: Foof is the name of a bean bag chair for lazy students. The world works in mysterious ways...

If you look at the bottom-right chair, it's called a 'Shag Foof'. Maybe this is what they have in Starfucks!

Online Administrator

foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof foof ... (stark gekürzt)

Online Designer

your best mail ever !

Online Editor

Frank is going to be so happy when he comes back and finds 15 million foof-ing emails...

Online Administrator

Can someone add "foof" in the Wiki please? :)

Online Designer ... no comment

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